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Hamas and ISIS - Are they Freedom Fighters or Terrorist ?

Updated on September 3, 2016
Hatred of the Jew nothing to do with reclaiming the land.
Hatred of the Jew nothing to do with reclaiming the land.
Obviously proud to be seen as a fighter for Hamas by hiding behind a mask.
Obviously proud to be seen as a fighter for Hamas by hiding behind a mask.
Now doesn't he look cute in his first (and probably only) suicide bombers suit !!
Now doesn't he look cute in his first (and probably only) suicide bombers suit !!
Hamas tunnel from Egypt to Gaza
Hamas tunnel from Egypt to Gaza
Like their Hamas brothers these ISIS cover their face in fear they will be identified
Like their Hamas brothers these ISIS cover their face in fear they will be identified
The connection between Hamas and ISIS
The connection between Hamas and ISIS

Sheikh Ahmad Yassin created Hamas in Gaza shortly before the intifada as a militant offshoot of the Muslin Brotherhood, which was originally founded in Egypt. The Brotherhood was dedicated to promoting Islam by a range of social services, but their gradual policy was considered by Hamas to be ineffective and they advocated a holy war to liberate “Palestine”.

Hamas is divided into two parts – political and military. The political side controls their programme of social services, which buys them the support of the “Palestinian refugees”. The military side is further sub divided into three parts.

1. Intelligence – tracking “Palestinian” collaborators.

2. Active unit – which deals with those who have violated Islamic law.

3. Terrorism – the Izzedine al-Qassam squads who carry out terrorist attacks and suicide bombings.

Hamas leaders are primarily based in the West Bank and Gaza, but have offices in Tehran, Damascus and Amman.

In November 1998, Hamas published a covenant, which contrasted to that issued by the PLO. In it they stated that “It is not a national or territorial conflict but a historical, religious, cultural and existential conflict between “truth and falsehood”, the believer and the infidels, in which one side will be the victor”

The only way to confront this struggle is through Islam and by means of jihad, until victory or martyrdom”

From this it is quite obvious that Hamas has no intention of seeking peace even if the disputed territories are returned. Their intention, pure and simple is the destruction and eradication of the Jew.

Hamas receives its funding from Iran and Saudi Arabia, together with other lesser Arab states. It also fundraises in Western Europe and USA. However, it was reported in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that around $50m has “mysteriously” disappeared from their funds. Although denied vehemently by Hamas, it is thought that London based organisations were responsible.

In addition to the atrocities committed by Hamas we now have ISIS on the scene. It is now difficult to decide who are the worst of the "bad guys" as Muslim is fighting Muslim as well as murdering innocent civilians. While we can do our best to protect our own people the only ones that can stop this madness are the Muslims themselves. There is no longer any trust between Christians and Muslims and the danger is that the world slides into a religious war and the sufferers are those who just want to live in peace.

The State of Israel is composed of a multitude of nationalities bound only by a common faith. The so-called displaced nation of Palestinian refugees is a multitude of nationalities bound only by a common hatred of the Jew. The true independent Arab State and lands of Palestine is known as Jordan.

Israel as a nation I dislike, comprising as it does of many arrogant and aggressive elements. Their various PMs and members of their cabinets are no friends of the UK and, frankly should have been removed a long time ago. However, our countries previous Labour PM is an embarrassment and liability to the honest and moderate population and will, hopefully be dealt with accordingly despite claiming to be the moderator of the Arab world. His true colours have now been shown together with that of the US President of the time.

The stories of Mossad colluding with Hamas, PLO and now ISIS are as old as the conflict itself – believe them if you wish but they are actually less lurid than the majority of the propaganda put out by Hamas.

Incidentally, the full true meaning of “Semite” refers to any member of people descended from Shem, son of Noah. These included Jews, Arabs, Phoenicians and Assyrians, among others. However, the term “anti-Semitic”, in recent times is applied solely to hostility or prejudice against the Jew.

Terror or Freedom

Do you think Hamas is a terrorist organisation or are necessary to free the Palestinian people

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© 2012 Peter Geekie


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